If you have had your name placed on the list of persons excluded from gaming in the State of Louisiana, but now wish to have your name removed from that list, please see LAC 42:III.304(G). That administrative rule explains the steps that you must take in order to be considered for removal from the Self-Exclusion List.
Please understand that your name cannot be removed from the list until five (5) years have elapsed from the date of the exclusion. If you do not remember the date that your exclusion became effective, you may obtain that information by contacting the Louisiana State Police, Gaming Enforcement Division at (225) 925-1900 and asking for the “Self-Exclusion Coordinator,” or writing to the following address:
Louisiana State Police
Gaming Enforcement Division
Attn: Self-Exclusion Coordinator
7919 Independence Blvd., A-28
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Removal is not automatic. Any self-excluded person may, upon the expiration of five (5) years from the date of exclusion, submit a written request to the Louisiana Gaming Control Board, Administrative Hearing Office for a hearing to have his or her name removed from the self-exclusion list. Such request must be in writing and state with specificity the reason for the request. The request should include a written recommendation from a qualified mental health professional as to the self-excluded person’s capacity to participate in gaming activities without adverse risks or consequences. The person seeking removal from the self-exclusion list may be required to obtain a separate and independent recommendation from a qualified mental health professional, approved by the Hearing Officer, as to the self-excluded person’s capacity to participate in gaming without adverse risks or consequences.
Please mail your request for a hearing and mental health recommendation to the following address:
Louisiana Gaming Control Board
Administrative Hearing Office
P.O. Box 4096
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
If the Hearing Officer determines that there is no longer a basis for the person seeking removal to be maintained on the self-exclusion list, the person’s name shall be removed from the self-exclusion list and his or her exclusion shall be terminated. The Louisiana State Police, Gaming Enforcement Division will notify all gaming licensees of the determination. Please note that licensees may continue to deny gaming privileges to persons who have been removed from the list.
The Louisiana Gaming Control Board does not regulate fundraising, raffles, or bingo. Please contact the Louisiana Department of Revenue, Office of Charitable Gaming for fundraising, raffle and bingo licensing and permit requirements. For more information, please visit the Office of Charitable Gaming’s website at Frequently Asked Questions - Louisiana Department of Revenue.
If you would like to file a complaint against a casino, video draw poker establishment or mobile sports wagering platform, please complete the following form available on this website. Please submit all complaints in writing.
Please contact the Louisiana State Police, Gaming Enforcement Division at (225) 925-1900 for general questions and status updates on license and permit applications.
For more frequently asked questions, please visit the Louisiana State Police Gaming Enforcement Division’s website at Gaming FAQs - Louisiana State Police
7901 Independence Blvd.
Building A
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
(225) 925-1846
1 (888) 295-8450
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Questions/Comments: [email protected]
Louisiana Gaming Control Board
MAIN OFFICE: 7901 Independence Blvd, Bldg A, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 | PHONE: (225)925-1846 or 1(888)295-8450 | FAX: (225)925-1917 | EMAIL: [email protected]
ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING OFFICE: Iberville State Building | 627 N 4th St., Ste. 1-300, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 | PHONE: (225)219-4515 | FAX: (225)219-4518
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